How to Sleep Comfortably With Tinnitus Symptoms

Tinnitus syndrome is an acute problem that many people face. It is often described as a constant buzzing, ringing, whirring, or hissing sound in the ears. With time, the problem may intensify and also keep you awake at night. 

If you have been worrying about how to sleep with tinnitus, you should try to make your environment as comfortable as possible. Here are some ways to help you. 

Choosing a Moderately Quiet Spot

For those suffering from tinnitus, pin-drop silence can be more uncomfortable than a spot that has some level of background noise. This is because the buzzing or hissing in your ears will seem a lot louder if there is absolute silence. 

Small noises permeating the walls or under the door can help drown the noise in your ears, but not completely. One great way of achieving this is to find a quiet room with low sounds in the background, like soft music. It will drown the ringing in your ears without disrupting your sleep. 

Your Mattress

Yes, having a comfortable mattress is essential for a good night’s sleep. The ringing in your ears is enough to keep you up. Combined with an uncomfortable mattress, it creates unfavorable sleeping conditions. It will not let your body relax the way you want to, making you toss and turn all night. Hence, check your mattress’s quality, thickness, and elasticity for ideal sleeping conditions. A comfortable and soft mattress will help you sleep with tinnitus. 

Take a Hot Shower

Nothing beats a hot shower before bed when you want to enjoy a good night’s sleep. It helps ease your muscles after a hard day at work, and your body will be relaxed enough to have less trouble falling asleep. 

You can also use tools like a foot massager or head massager to enhance the experience further. Being exposed to loud noises or working in a highly stimulating environment can cause tinnitus, making it essential for your body to wind down. Having something warm and comforting before bed, like hot chocolate or chicken soup, can distract you from the buzzing noise and result in restful sleep

Light and Temperature

The light and temperature need to be perfect to help you enjoy a comfortable sleep. Light from external sources, as well as pitch-black darkness, can make you more uncomfortable. You need to achieve a balance in light and temperature so that your senses are calm and you can drift away slowly into sleep. Avoid loud music or checking your devices before going to bed. 

Moreover, tinnitus can also be caused due to sinus problems, jaw and neck illnesses, and temporomandibular joint issues. Intense light or severe cold can aggravate these symptoms, so consult a doctor to identify underlying causes. The condition can be managed remarkably well with cognitive behavioral therapy. 

Don’t worry too much about how to sleep with tinnitus. Instead, try making your environment conducive to sleep so that you can rule out the noise in your ears as much as possible. Once you have achieved a pattern, sleeping with tinnitus will gradually become more accessible.