How to Get a Boil to Pop Overnight

A boil is a skin infection that begins in an oil gland or hair follicle. Initially, the skin turns red and ultimately, a tender lump develops. After a few days, the lump starts turning white as pus accumulates under the skin.

The skin infection usually appears with a fever. The condition is highly contagious and those who are infected with the skin condition should avoid physical contact with others. They should also avoid sharing the sharing of personal items with others.

In this guide, we will tell you how to get a boil to pop overnight along with ways to prevent the infection.

Causes of boils

Germs that enter the body through nicks and cuts on the body usually cause boils. Commonly boils appear on face, armpits, neck, shoulders, and buttocks.

Boils are more prevalent in individuals who have:

  • Diabetes
  • Poor hygiene
  • Poor nutrition
  • Low immunity
  • Frequent exposure to harsh chemicals

Treatment of boils

Medical treatment for the boils includes draining out the pus from the infected area and taking antibiotics. Some individuals also find it effective to apply topical ointments on the boil. We recently found out about this amazing homeopathic boils treatment spray by BoilX that did work for few of our readers.

However, some remedies give the desired results instantly. If you are also looking for ways on how to get rid of a boil overnight then continue reading below for an early relief.

How to Get a Boil to Pop Overnight With Ingredients from the Kitchen

Warm water compresses

Warm water is the first thing that should be put on the boils to lessen pain and allow the puss to ooze out.

Simply soak a towel in warm water and squeeze out the excess water. Put the towel on the infected area to allow the puss to come to the surface. Doing the same step continuously will ultimately burst the bubble. Once the puss begins to ooze out, apply topical ointment or rubbing alcohol to the area. However, make sure not to pop or needle the boil as it can make the infection worse.


Onions have anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, and anti-septic properties. Specifically red onions are an ideal solution for infections and wounds as they regulate blood circulation and force the puss to come out from the boils.

To use onion on boils:

  • Cut thin slices of onion and tie it to the infected area
  • Allow it to sit for 3-4 hours and change with a fresh onion slice
  • Repeat for a few days

Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil has anti-septic, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal properties that can clear any infection. To use tea tree oil on the boils, simply soak a cotton boil in the ingredient and dab it on the infected area. Repeat it three to four times a day until the boil disappears.


The clove of garlic is rich in sulfur compounds such as allicin and ajoene that are helpful in curing boils. Additionally, the anti-inflammatory as well as the anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties of garlic make it one of the best ingredients to add to your daily diet.

To treat boils with garlic:

  • Prepare a paste of garlic with a few drops of olive oil
  • Apply a layer to the infected area
  • Cover it with a gauze or medical tape and leave it on for 2 – 3 hours
  • Repeat the same steps for a few days until the boil bursts

Neem leaves

The leaves of neem are famous for their medicinal properties. It tastes bitter when chewed but highly beneficial for the body as neem leaves are known to purify and cleanse the blood.

There are several ways to use the neem leaves for boils.

  1. Grind the neem leaves with a pinch of turmeric to make a paste. Apply to the boils several times a day.
  2. Boil a few neem leaves in boiling water until the water reduces to ¾ of its original measure. Soak cotton in the neem water and dab it on the affected area. Repeat the same process until the infection clears.


Turmeric is another Indian herb that has anti-bacterial properties useful for all types of skin infections including boils. It is a staple addition to Indian curries and beneficial for many other ailments as well.

To use turmeric for boils:

  • Make a paste of turmeric powder and few drops of water
  • Apply to the infected area and cover with a gauze or medical tape
  • Leave it on for 30 minutes, then rinse with water
  • Repeat the steps 3-4 times a day

You can also prepare a healing drink by mixing half a spoon of turmeric powder in a glass of warm milk.

Epsom salt

Epsom salt also known as magnesium sulfate helps bring the puss out and eradicate the boils.

To apply Epsom salt to cure the boils:

  • Fill a small tub with warm water
  • Add 2 cups of Epsom salt and soak the infected area
  • Repeat the process several times a day

When to seek medical care for boils

Although, most boils can be treated by following some of the above home remedies. Nevertheless, in some cases, medical assistance may be critical. Make sure to consult your doctor if:

  • You start running a fever
  • The skin around the boil turns red
  • A second boil appears
  • The pain becomes unbearable
  • The boil does not drain within a few days
  • You have swollen lymph nodes
  • You have a medical condition such as diabetes, heart problems, etc.

Things to remember about boils

Keep in mind the following points when you or a family member has boils:

  • Boils are highly contagious
  • Keep bedding, towels, and personal items away from other people
  • Avoid physical contact
  • Avoid needling or manhandling the boils as they can spread the infection
  • Ensure proper hygiene even after the boil disappears completely

Always remember, boils are not dangerous and are usually cured within a few days. However, if protective measures are not taken, the infection can spread and cause harm. So take care of yourself and try to stay as healthy as possible by eating the right foods, getting sufficient physical exercise, and practicing good hygiene.