Vitamins for ADHD from Natural Ingredients

ADHD syndrome is usually associated with kids and teenagers; however, there aremany adults diagnosed with this condition. The frequency of this diagnosis and its therapy has been on the rise in recent years. That’s why many people are unaware of ADHD. They usually think of this condition as a permanent search for inspirations and adventures.

Many kids are hyperactive from an early age, and they can’t stand still more than ten minutes. But there must be a difference between restless and ADHD diagnosed kid. This syndrome doesn’t include just impulsive behavior, but also a constant quest for new challenges, attention distraction and lack of focus.

The presence of ADHD represents a disturbance of cognitive function, and we shouldn’t neglect it. Many will mix this condition with a behavioral disorder, which we usually notice in school children. Inaccurate diagnosis leads to incorrect treatment of the disease. Making sure that you are equipped with the right ADHD information and following unusual behavior in potential patients is of vital importance.


Why ADHD Strikes Adult People


When parents notice attention deficit in school age, the diagnosed kid starts with treatments for smooth socialization, but also for functioning in the world that surrounds them. However, what if this disorder occurs in later years when a person develops and forms specific patterns of behavior?

ADHD in older age cannot occur just like that. Some predispositions, such as genetics and the earlier manifestation of signs, must exist. Often, the symptoms of disease interfere with some everyday situations and problems that arise due to stress.

It doesn’t necessarily mean that someone has ADHD if he or she becomes forgetful or confused. However, if this condition becomes chronic and other symptoms, like lack of attention and interest, occur, all those can be signs of ADHD syndrome. Pay special attention to symptoms mentioned in this source to be prepared.

Suspected person is continually looking for something new and exciting, nothing fulfills them, and they are unsatisfied all the time. The fact is that most of these people are very intelligent and creative, despite the mess ADHD can create in their everyday lives.

Treating ADHD with Food

treating ADHd with food

The number of patients using ADHD medications is increasing over the years. The pharmaceutical industry that makes a profit from these drugs is mostly responsible for this growth. The worrying fact is that doctors use strong psychostimulants to control ADHD in kids.

Conventional methods give good results, but only in the short term. Long-term use of medications often leads to the development of addiction, the appearance of severe side effects or some other disease.Besides medicines, patients should regularly go to psychotherapy, but also to use natural remedies to get the most of ADHD therapy.

It may seem strange to treat this condition by improving the quality of nutrition, but remember one thing – food is a cure. Especially foods rich in essential nutrients, that have a positive effect on our health.The alternative therapy gives almost the same results as drugs, but without side effects. It relates to increased intake of vitamins and minerals that can affect improving mental performance in patients.

Vitamin B6


Vitamins of B complexes are the best friends of our brain. The folic acid (B9), as well as vitamins B6 and B12, works on improving cognitive function in diseases such as dementia or Alzheimer’s. Lack of focus and indifference are the first signs that we need these vitamins. So we have to take them in with food or supplements.

The optimum level of B vitamins reduces the possibility of brain damage in old age. Their role is to synthesize essential proteins in our brain that enable its proper function. If you enrich your daily diet with meat, fish, eggs, leafy vegetables and dairy products, you’ll significantly slow down the decline of the nerve cells.

Vitamin B complex can boost your brain performance. Here’s how:

Healthy Fatty Acids


Unsaturated fats, such as omega 3 and omega 6, our body cannot produce. We need to provide their input through food; they are essential for the proper functioning of the brain, which is mainly made of lipids.

Remember that your parents forced you to use fish oil? Here’s why – the fish, especially the sea abounds with these healthy fats. If you are not crazy about this supplement, you can increase the intake of sea fish, nuts, but also all foods of organic origin.

Minerals for Better Brain Function

Minerals such as zinc and magnesium have antioxidant properties and help eliminate free radicals from the body. These harmful substances can interfere with the proper functioning of the brain, and cause its increased activity in patients with ADHD. Food high in zinc includes seafood, red meat, dairy products, seeds, and nuts. Nutty fruit also contains a lot of magnesium, and we can find this mineral in leafy vegetables too.

Calcium is also vital for the health of the brain because it “transmits” all nutrients to it. With increased calcium intake, which is most common in milk and dairy products, we will getan improved synthesis of essential nutrients in the body.

Before setting the final ADHD diagnosis, the behavior of the patient should be monitored. It is possible that the changes are current, with a potential positive outcome. If we declare someone’s’ creativity and innovation as a disease, we may have made a big mistake. Only if most of the ADHD symptoms occur in a short period, we can talk about the presence of this disorder.