7 Tips to Cope with Bad Mental Health Days

Mental health is a complicated issue. People who seem to have it all together can be struggling on the inside, fighting a mental health battle.

So, let’s talk about bad mental health days today. Days where you feel like you’re at your lowest and everything is going wrong. Days where it feels like nothing can make you happy or hopeful. These days are hard, but unfortunately, they are part of life for many people.

Whether you suffer from chronic depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, or another mental illness, there will undoubtedly be times when your mental health takes a turn for the worse. It isn’t something to be ashamed of – it’s simply something that we have to deal with.

So how do we deal with it? That’s what we hope to cover in this post.

  1. Don’t Overexert Yourself

The hustle and bustle of city life can affect your mental and physical health. People are continually on the move and always looking for the next opportunity. But when struggling with mental health, it’s important to take a step back and focus on what you can handle.

Trying to achieve too much will only make you feel overwhelmed and stressed. So, take it easy on yourself. Say no to that after-work happy hour or that networking event you don’t want to attend. Instead, opt for something that can give your physical and mental health a much-needed boost.

If you have heard about IV vitamin therapy, you would want to give it a try. It helps reduce stress, balance hormones, and boost your immunity. If you live in the busy city of Chicago, check out the IV clinic in Chicago to get your vitamin treatment.

  • Stay on Top of Self Care

Bubble masks and wax manicures are indeed the last things on your mind when you’re feeling low. But self-care is so important, especially when it comes to mental health. When we care for ourselves, we send a message to our brain that says, “I matter.”

It’s easy to let self-care fall by the wayside when we’re feeling down, but if you can push through and do something for yourself – even if it’s just making sure you shower and brush your teeth – you’ll feel better.

  • Talk to Someone

Letting your feelings bottled up and holding everything in will only make you feel worse. So, find a trusted friend or family member and talk to them about what’s happening. You don’t have to go into the gory details – just tell them how you feel.

If you don’t have anyone you feel comfortable talking to, there are plenty of hotlines you can call. You can also enroll in a support group or see a therapist. They might have a proper mental health diagnosis and could help you get on medication or set up a treatment plan.

Just remember, today is only temporary, and things will get better.

  • Do Something You Enjoy

This one might seem obvious, but when was the last time you did something that made you truly happy? When was the last time you laughed your heart out? Or allowed yourself to let loose and have some endless fun?

If you can’t answer these questions, now is the time to find out. Experiment and try new things until you find something that brings a smile to your face. And once you find it, hold onto it tight. Whether painting, hiking, biking, playing video games, or anything else – make sure you take the time to do it.

  • Put Your Phone Away

We all have someone in our circle who seems to have the “perfect” life. They always post pictures of their fabulous vacations, amazing nights out, and adorable kids. But here’s the thing – we don’t know what’s going on in their lives when the camera isn’t rolling.

Comparison is the thief of joy, so stop looking at other people’s highlight reels and focus on your own life. One way to do this is by putting your phone away. Instead, spend some time offline and reconnect with the real world. Go for a walk and allow the fresh air to clear your head. You’ll be surprised how much better you feel. And while you’re at it, make a mental list of all the good things in your life. It’ll help you find the light on even the darkest of days.

  • Cry It Out

Anyone who tells you not to cry over it is wrong. Crying is a normal and healthy way to deal with stress, pain, and sadness. It’s a release of emotions that can help make you feel better. So, if you’re feeling down, have a good cry. It’ll do you some good, we promise. If you’re feeling cranky, it’s okay! Avoid people and enjoy your own company. Reason with yourself that your feelings are valid and give yourself a break. If you’re not the type to cry, that’s okay too! Maybe try listening to music. Music has mysterious ways of calming the soul. There is nothing set in stone when dealing with bad mental health days. Do what you feel works for you.

  • Sleep, But Don’t Overdo It

Sleep is probably your last resort when you feel nothing is working. You may cover yourself in a blanket, hoping to wake up to a better and more joyful tomorrow. But here’s the thing – too much sleep can make you feel worse. Oversleeping can lead to fatigue and make you feel groggy. It can also disrupt your sleeping patterns, making it harder for you to fall asleep at night.

The key is to find a balance. If you’re feeling exhausted, take a quick nap. But don’t sleep for more than 30 minutes. And if you’re having trouble falling asleep, try reading or taking a bath. The point is to relax your body and mind so you can drift off into a restful sleep.

Final Thoughts:

We hope these tips help the next time you’re feeling down. Remember, you aren’t alone, and there is always someone who cares. It’s only a matter of confiding in someone! If you feel like you need professional help, please seek out a therapist or counselor; it will make all the difference. They are experts in this field and can help you get where you want to be.