Visit the dentist if you experience these symptoms

When symptoms of dental disease arise, you should never hesitate to visit Spruce Grove dental offices. This is essential because doctors can conduct tests and determine if there is a dental problem to worry.

There are specific symptoms you should observe when it comes to oral health. Some dental complications can be solved at the early stages. Ignoring these signs might lead to a severe dental issues. When you notice anything strange pertaining to your oral health, you need to schedule an appointment with a dental expert. Here are some these symptoms to look out for;

1. Bleeding gums especially when brushing or flossing

It isn’t normal to bleed after brushing your teeth. In some cases, it may indicate over-aggressiveness when brushing. In other circumstances, it could mean you are developing certain gum disease known as periodontal disease. Periodontal disease is one of the most prevalent and destructive dental condition. Left untreated, it can lead to tooth and jawbone loss.

2. Receding gums

Although it is natural for gums to recede as we age, it shouldn’t be noticeable. If you look in the mirror and notice your teeth are becoming longer, it could be a sign of gum recession caused by periodontal disease. Book an appointment with Spruce Grove dental offices to find out what’s happening to your teeth.

3. Severe toothache

Toothache is often caused when a tooth nerve is irritated. There are also other reasons you may experience a toothache. Such risk factors include gum diseases, dental infection, plaque, and more.

In some cases, tooth pain could be caused by an injury tooth pulp or abscess. You should visit the dentist right away to evaluates the cause of the problem and prevent the tooth from dying.

4. Painful and swollen jaws

If you have swollen jaw coupled with difficulty in breathing, swallowing, fever or bad taste in your mouth, it could be a salivary gland infection. This type of infection is typically a bacterial infection caused by blockage of your salivary glands.

Other possible causes include injury, teeth gingivitis, teeth, and problems with jaws. Your dentist will conduct a thorough inspection and diagnose the problem.

5. Dry mouth

Saliva is your mouth’s first line of defence against infections. It washes away food and other debris stuck on your teeth, neutralises acids produced by bacteria, and offers disease-fighting substance throughout your mouth. If you have a dry mouth, it may be a symptom of a medical disorder and side effects of a particular medication. Visit the dentist and learn different ways to restore moisture and protect your teeth.

6. Tooth sensitivity

If you experience a shot of pain when eating or drinking something hot or cold, this can be as a result of gums receding from the teeth. Gum recession exposes the tooth roots, which is more sensitive to pressure changes and temperatures in the mouth.

7. Stinking breath

How often do you laugh? If you’re naturally a jovial person, you will always smile from time to time. If you have started becoming ashamed of your smile, then this indicates you have dental problems affecting your self-esteem.

Well, sometimes bad breath can be a sign that you need to drink more water or as a result of the garlic-filled food you just ate. But persistent bad breath can be symptoms of gum infections or dental decay.

Brushing and flossing your teeth twice a day can help regain confidence when laughing. If you’re concerned about the cause of your bad breath, visit a dentist. They will determine the cause and treat you.

8. Teeth abscess

When a weak gum tissue detach from the tooth, there is usually a thin gap between gum and the tooth which deepens to form a void (periodontal pocket). This always results in abscess whereby pus collected in the pocket causes it to look swollen and reddish. Immediate attention is needed as it can lead to bone loss since it is greatly accelerated compared to other gum diseases.

9. Discoloured teeth

Failure to clean your teeth for a long time can make them become stained and change their colour. It can also result from eating certain foods, such as coffee or tea, certain medications, genetics, or even smoking. Check your dentist for whitening options for stain removal.

10. Metallic taste in your mouth

If your mouth starts to taste like metal, it can be a sign that your old fillings have been cracked, if you had a metal filling before. Seek medical assistance as soon as possible because open fillings can leave your teeth prone to infections and cavities.

Emergency dental visits will mean more to your oral health. As a dental patient, you should pay more attention to your mouth. Visit the dental clinic for oral check-ups, and even if you notice any significant change in your mouth.